On Life, Love and the Pursuit of Netflix....
Let’s get one thing straight in this, my first post on a blog ever. I did not wake up this morning thinking of ways to make myself even more like the millions of other people out there and begin a blog. I did not think that I needed to find ways to get my creative juices flowing. Frankly, I think the phrases “get my” and “juices flowing” were never meant to be put together…but I digress… I did not, and yea verily, do not think that I have anything important to say, and am dang sure I don’t think you have anything important to say either.
So why would I join the ranks of the millions of bloggers out there. Simply put, I got married. At first marriage and blogging would not appear to be linked by any rational person. There are two things you should know however, to prove my point: A) I am not rational and 2) my wife is under the delusion that what I write happens to be funny. Actually, now that I think about it, I believe it is my wife who is not rational.
This blog is thus dedicated to my wife. To the one that thinks that even though I have nothing to say, I atleast go about it in an amusing way. And while ordinarily I’d just ignore the constant campaign of nagging she has waged against me to get this going (much like the campaign to not throw my clothes on the floor), she is pregnant. I figure I owe her one…
I also figured I wanted to prove her wrong...
Do not expect me to use this as some sort of catharsis for all my angst. In fact, my goal is to keep this blog centered around the principle of boldly saying nothing, and for making the world a better place for napping… Or for Netflix watching, which is the one thing that I do actually excel at….
So why would I join the ranks of the millions of bloggers out there. Simply put, I got married. At first marriage and blogging would not appear to be linked by any rational person. There are two things you should know however, to prove my point: A) I am not rational and 2) my wife is under the delusion that what I write happens to be funny. Actually, now that I think about it, I believe it is my wife who is not rational.
This blog is thus dedicated to my wife. To the one that thinks that even though I have nothing to say, I atleast go about it in an amusing way. And while ordinarily I’d just ignore the constant campaign of nagging she has waged against me to get this going (much like the campaign to not throw my clothes on the floor), she is pregnant. I figure I owe her one…
I also figured I wanted to prove her wrong...
Do not expect me to use this as some sort of catharsis for all my angst. In fact, my goal is to keep this blog centered around the principle of boldly saying nothing, and for making the world a better place for napping… Or for Netflix watching, which is the one thing that I do actually excel at….