On Progress...
Well, this blog would not exactly be the pure definition of the word progress, but I’ve made some strides over the past year of vomiting my inner thoughts onto your computer screen. This will surely come as no news to you, but I’ve been rather inconsistent with my devotion to writing lately, something I’ve actually started to miss terribly. If for no other reason, it gives me something to do during my otherwise boring professional existence and also has the added benefit of making me look busy. I tried to somehow make the internet look “work related”, but had to give up and just succumb to the realization that everyone knows I have nothing to do…and are still willing to pay me for it. Your government dollars at work…
However, though progress in my professional life has been elusive (and here progress is defined as “doing something interesting”), progress at home is currently booming for K-Mad. Yes, our little townhouse is currently Boomtown. Why, progress is simply poring out of our child daily. Each time I return home I’m usually greeted by some sort of new ability. I’m reminded of The Matrix (as I often am it would seem) when things were learned by plugging your brain directly in to a computer. K-Mad is not unlike that. I expect that she will know kung-fu before the end of the day…
It seems like the 10th Month is her personal renaissance. Before, thanks in large part to those oh so helpful books like “What to Expect in the First Year”, which chart what your child may or should be able to do at point X, my wife and I held subdued conversations wondering if she was slow in learning some things. Now we know. She was just storing it up for a grand coming out party. Let’s review the accomplishments over the past 4 weeks, shall we:
Sitting up from a lying position (something I can barely do)
Pulling up on her crib to a stand position (and freaking mom out the first time)
Pulling up to a standing position using a ledge over her head
Feeding herself her own bottle
Eating solids
Putting solid food into her own mouth
Walking around furniture
Signing “More” for food
Saying “Mama” to Mom. Saying “Dada” to every farm animal known to man.
She turns 11 months on Sunday. I’m anticipating by the end of that 11th month she’ll be writing poetry. Actually, I find poetry horrific, so maybe something like consol gaming. I hear that Playstation 3’s are reasonably priced and in plentiful supply…
Wow!! What fun accomplishments - you'll have to show her off to us sometime soon.
Is this a start to more blogging? Or just a tease?
How tall is she?
Quote,"Saying “Dada” to every farm animal known to man."
OMG i almost pissed in my pants. Trent does the same thing, haha.
Great post!
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