On Hiatus...
I know, I know, for one week it seemed like I had gone back to my old, dependable ways. I will not have you guilt me though. I have a job to do. It does not include constantly regailing you with my literary genius...or mental illness...you decide which one is an accurate description. The fact of the matter is, someone here must have let the word out to someone else in a higher position that I actually know how to do budgetary things...and they've actually made me work. I guess this is what they mean by gainfully employed.
I'd love to write more of my missives from home, but you see, I'm a father...and a geek. Because I'm feeling generous, I'll also let you decide whether my parental duties or my slavish devotion to a digital troll in a World of Warcraft environment keeps me busy in my "free" time.
And finally, I realize that I turned 31 this week. It's taken some time to adjust. I actually have another post about that coming. I want to leave you with a bit of forewarning since it will not be a pretty message. I didn't want to catch you unawares and send you into shock. It details my angst. It identifies personal changes that need to be made...in the form of resolutions. I believe it actually gives you my current weight too.
Hopefully tomorrow we will go there...
I am pretty anti-Masters Degrees. Someday I'll write a post about my theories on higher education. I assure you that they are ridiculous. My wife has even bribed me with tales of big screen TV-ery if I get a Masters. I am not easily duped. It's not that I don't believe she'd actually purchase said TV nirvana. It is that I have done a pain analysis, and the pain of getting a Masters is not worth the orgasmic qualities of movies in large format... However, I have recently entered upon some higher education of my own, in a format I find attractive. Mainly, it's web based, I don't have to take a GRE and it's pretty much pass fail. I speak of the Defense Acquisition University. I'm learning to acquire things in a defensive manner. So far it's been all about methodology, acquisition structure...blah, blah. I'm hoping for a future class on pole arms though. All that to say, I'm my "free" work time has really started to dry up.
And finally, I realize that I turned 31 this week. It's taken some time to adjust. I actually have another post about that coming. I want to leave you with a bit of forewarning since it will not be a pretty message. I didn't want to catch you unawares and send you into shock. It details my angst. It identifies personal changes that need to be made...in the form of resolutions. I believe it actually gives you my current weight too.
Hopefully tomorrow we will go there...
Happy 31 Beeley! We had a great time seeing you all and meeting K-Mad. I'm sure you noticed no comment from your NORTHERN SC relatives after the visit. We were computer-less for awhile. Back in business now. HA! The BBQ WAS quite scrumptous and IS something to cherish in our tummies. You're doing great with the K-Mad. She's a beauty for sure.
Looking forward to your next revelation...
Your Loving Aunt from Northern SC
Happy Birthday Bill!
31 ain't so bad. Take it from one that knows.. and one that is staring down 32.
Looking forward to the birthday post.
Happy Birthday Bill!
31 ain't so bad. Take it from one that knows.. and one that is staring down 32.
Looking forward to the birthday post.
oh, I see, I have to sign it so you know who I am.. (duh)
Dude, you're ancient.
Happy Belated Birthday. 31 is the year to do it ALL! Start that Masters. You'll be done by the time you're 35. By then, you'll really be old and your body will really fall apart. Atleast you don't have to give birth. Babies suck the young right out of you.
Ok. Eat your veggies and fruit. Especially the berries. They are power foods and will keep Old away.
Take care.
Mrs. PK
Oh, yeah. Since I was caught up in the moment thinking soley about how incredibly ancient you have become, I forgot to comment on graduate school. I guess you could benefit from it, but since you were probably part of the planning committee for each of the 7 wonders of the ancient world, I bet you already have enough experience to get an honorary doctorate at the Rutledge Friendship Community College on upper King Street in Chareleston.
But let's set aside you for a while and talk about me. Beeley, I'm the poster child for graduate school. It definitely made a HUGE difference in my professional life. In fact, I dare say that it has even made [way...make that 'way','way'] more diffence than my Citadel degree in terms of professional success. It got me in where I previously wouldn't have been considered. Don't get me wrong, the Cid degree is a great thing with benefits that have helped me in all facets of life, but half the recruiters out there (especailly government recruiters) don't know what The "Kid-at-dul" is, nor do they care. However, if they see "Master's Degree", they got something to work with. Plus, I hear MBA's are in big demand now, too.
Of course, since you are a relic, you better get going now so that you can finish sometime between now and the time you become really, really, really old, like 34 or something.
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