Monday, December 05, 2005

On TCHS vs. TCOKM...

Ah yes, Christmas time is upon us. You may think that an obvious statement, but I have decided that today is the day I officially recognize The Christmas Holiday Season (TCHS) so to me, it’s fresh. I generally wait until December begins to recognize TCHS, but since last week was shared with November, I decided, arbitrarily, that today was the day. I also had nothing else to blog about, so it works out…

Some of you might be of the persuasion that Christmas began the day after Thanksgiving. You may have even participated in Black Friday and started your holiday shopping. There is medical terminology for your condition…pathetic I believe is what it is called. Regardless of the fact that I purchased a tree on 28 November and then decorated it on 30 November, I did not internally recognize TCHS. I’m strong…I’m an oak actually. I didn’t even hum along with the Christmas music played ad nauseum everywhere.

The problem is that TCHS this year is in direct competition with The Coming Of Kaleigh Madison (TCOKM). So much so, that my wife and I will be grounded from travel over TCHS and will not share the holiday with either of our families for the first time ever. I’ve always wondered what Christmas would be like just the two of us. As that theory is starting to become reality, I think I liked it better when it was just a theory. Don’t get me wrong, I love my alone time with the Fake Tree Princess. Frankly, that alone time is what got us into TCOKM in the first place. However, it just seems like TCHS is supposed to be shared with the extended family.

I really want to make this TCHS as good as possible for the Fake Tree Princess. After all, she is starting to feel the real physical challenges of being pregnant and is not going to be up to the task of planning...and more importantly executing those plans. So, I need to be on my A game, especially because the 30 birthday...well, it did not go as advertised on TV. I need to come up with something good. Something that says: I-know-you-are-all-bulbous-and-swollen-,-but-we-are-going-to-have-a-fabulous-time-just-the-two-of-us-.-.-.ya-dig-? I’m a pretty creative guy, so I don’t necessarily need your help. You know, I just want to make you feel included. That being said…HELP!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should throw her a party!!! (The LAN part was silent, but still there.)

8:35 AM  
Blogger Beeley said...

Don't think I hadn't thought of that. I've also thought about setting the Netflix list to her Alias and 24 DVDs...

8:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, we put 24 at the top of our list so, if we don't get ours first I'll be ticked!!!

12:55 PM  
Blogger Beeley said...

You will. I'm not putting 24 up for another couple of weeks. We have to get through Alias hell first.

1:12 PM  

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