Tuesday, December 27, 2005

On Lists...

Well, that’s done. Christmas is now off the list of things that need to be accomplished before Delivery-Day (D-Day) arrives. I’m not saying that we viewed Christmas as a chore or anything. In fact, thanks to some great friends of ours, both Christmas Eve and Christmas were very enjoyable. And the loot…well, I think I’ll enjoy my Tivo and Battlefield 2 very much thank you. I may even look presentable at work, for once, with some styling threads provided by Mom and Dad. Some things never change…

The Fake Tree Princess is now retired…but not before she got a parting shot off. Normally we’d keep the tree up until after New Years. Not this year though. I was forced to remove the tree to make room for more baby swag. Honestly, I’m not even sure how babies lived “back in the day” if they didn’t have all absolute necessities we have today...like a Pack N’ Play. So on my way out the door with our tree, The Fake Tree Princess notes that the evidence for fake tree-ery is literally all over our living room. I’ll admit, the real tree did shed a bit on the way out…but honestly, at least 50% of the needles were still on the tree so I fail to see what the big deal was. Maybe she meant the remaining water in the tree stand that I managed to pour all over our carpet…

In place of the Fake Tree Princess has come Her Majesty of the Lists. Her Majesty is gifted. She has lists listing the lists she needs to make. And she cannot be stopped either. Once the juggernaut gets going, it consumes everything…it’s favorite food being my free time. I already got a call this morning (at 7:45a.m.) telling me she had made a list of things for me to do today. Goody. I’m just hoping that the list doesn’t require the assembly of anything... You may have heard that I frown on that sort of thing.

I guess it is not really my wife’s fault. I’m list deficient. Actually, I’m list inept. And don’t bring up Netflix. That is a queue. Queues I can do, lists chafe me. Living via a list is not my natural state of being. It is not were I am generally found operating…. Okay, so I’m not usually found operating anywhere, but that is besides the point. The point is, these babies seem to generate more lists than even I’m used to. The further point is, someone, possibly even you, should have warned me!


Blogger Dogburt said...

Seeing as how your wife and mine are the same in regard to lists, you are probably familiar with the more than slightly disturbing sensation of x-stacy that they get when they are able to "cross something off the list."

9:54 AM  
Blogger Beeley said...

I share in the ecstacy though. There was something my wife asked me to do that she forgot to put on the list. I did it and made her add that to the list just so I could cross if off.

By the way, I accomplished a whopping seven things off my list yesterday. You may kiss my ring...

11:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to be difficult (well, slightly difficult (and I need to get on Her Majesty's good side every once in awhile)) but a queue really is a list, just a specialized one where items are inserted at one end, and items are taken off the other end. If you like queues that much, what Her Majesty should do is make her list with large gaps between items so that she can insert items where she sees fit. This list then becomes a priority queue where items on the bottom have most importance and she be done first. If you need an algorithm for creating the priority queue from a bunch of lists - I am your man.

6:06 PM  

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