Thursday, December 22, 2005

On Change...

I have been told by no less the 10,000 individuals that the coming of a child, especially the first, will change your life forever. I believe the exact phrase seems to be “Everything is going to change” and it is usually followed by “No seriously, you have no idea how much things change”. I have no doubt this is true, but after the third person told me, the message sunk in. I’ve been saturated by it…there is no need to continue to cliché me to death…

However, for my wife, change is not just academic or something that will occur in the future. It has been a constant for the past few months. Starting at the end of the 1st trimester her eating habits changed. That is to say, she made a habit of ralphing up everything she ate, sometimes during car rides. She even stopped eating chocolate for a while, which I thought was a sure sign of the Apocalypse. Then came the body changes, and more importantly, the limitations that they imposed. I am greatly amused by this sometimes, especially the hilarious attempts to get off the couch. She is not as amused…at least, I think that is what that hand gesture she keeps giving me means…

Today starts what may be the biggest change for her though. As I stated yesterday, my wife is an 8th Grade English teacher. This is a job that you couldn’t pay me enough to do… Interestingly, they don’t actually pay my wife enough to do it either. That she enjoys it is further proof that she and I are not cut from the same cloth….I’m not even sure we are the same material.

But I digress…

The Winter Break for schools in this area starts tomorrow. Since we have decided that my wife will stay home for at least the rest of this school year, today is her last day of classes. We are also in the process of deciding if she will stay at home for longer than just this year. Obviously, this is a big change for her because she is stopping something she loves to do. And the change could be semi-permanent, or at least until our child and possibly children start school of their own. In affect, this is a double life change that she is going through, and that can be scary.

So babe, I just want you to know that I appreciate what you are doing. I know that this is not an easy day for you, and I know that there are a lot of question marks about the future. You will, however, make a great mother just as you made a great teacher. Enjoy today as your students and workmates show you exactly how much you will be missed. That should be a testament to what kind of a person you are. I cannot wait for the next few weeks to play out and for our family to add its new member. And, as you know, I will support whatever future work decisions we make…

…unless finances dictate that I have to give up Netflix. Then, I believe, the answer is obvious


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hopefully this goes without saying, but you both have our full support, prayers, and a general "we-got-your-back-ness" in all things.

I know you guys are going to be great parents. Kaleigh is very fortunate to have you.

11:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man card please. Too much PDA!!! (Okay, it was very nice and very true and I'll let you get away with it this time.)

8:57 PM  

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